Hidden Rooms 25/26 November


HIDDEN ROOMS on 25th-26th November 2014 is a PIVOT Dublin Future Thinking event to stimulate collaborative efforts that will deliver innovative solutions to city issues. The event is hosted by Dublin City Council and is a part of our ongoing design development programme.

320 local & international practitioners, public representatives, end-users, activists, managers, entrepreneurs, educators, experts, students and policy makers have been invited to participate. The objective is to bring a diverse group together; people with experience of the issues, people who can bring fresh insight and anyone who is interested in change.

On day one of the conference groups of people gather in 16 remarkable HIDDEN ROOMS across the city to work on one of 16 city challenges or issues. An international practitioner will present a related project or body of work to each group to provide inspiration. A Dublin practitioner will facilitate. Each room will be hosted by a Dublin City issue owner. Each issue will be set in context locally through a scenario in 16 years time (2030). The intended outcome is a route map for addressing the issues, ideally framed as a pilot project proposal.

On day two all participants will gather in City Hall to present their proposals. We are aiming for credible proposals that emerge from the process which could help inform policy or be actioned as pilot projects by DCC and partners in 2015.



Social: Making Cities Smile

The Universal City: accessible and humane for all

The Sheltering City: making a home for everyone

The Philanthropic City: new ways of giving to the city

The Integrated City: making space for social inclusion and interculturalism

Cultural: Connecting Cities

The Respectful City: recognizing built heritage value

The Adorned City: measuring iconic interventions

The Rewarded City: devising a creative entrepreneur dividend

The Listening City: effective communication with citizens

Economic: Making Cities Flow

The Empowered City: enabling people to activate neighbourhoods

The Innovative City: developing an impactful design sector

The Resourceful City: leveraging future infrastructure assets

The Living City: financing housing for public good

Environmental: Making Cities Lighter

The Compact City: discovering space for what we need

The Sustainable City: inventive use of resources

The Regenerated City: when to retain, refurbish and replace

The Fair City: greening where it really matters