Beyond Pebbledash

Beyond Peblledash Architecture Installation at National Museum of Ireland

Beyond Pebbledash is both a celebration of an overlooked icon of Dublin (Irish) domestic architecture and a design driven discussion on the future of Dublin urbanism. The Beyond Pebbledash project includes the ‘construction’ of house here in Clark Square the publication of a book (also titled Beyond Pebbledash) and a public engagement programme, targeting young people and Transition Year students.

The Beyond Pebbledash House involves the installation of a ‘typical’ Dublin pebble-dash house, life, size, scale 1:1, to include a pebble-dash façade, and steel skeletal frame to replicate its walls, stairs, internal doors, rear fenestration, chimney and roof.

The Beyond Pebbledash house is intended to provoke questions in the mind of the viewer. ‘What have we built?’ And, critically, ‘Why have we built it here? This is an introduction to a bigger conversation on city living and the very nature of ‘house’ and ‘home’. ‘Where do we live and why?’, ‘What type of homes do we desire?’, ‘When is a home not a house?’ and ‘What makes a great liveable city?’


Prints and Postcards Exhibition

The construction of tens of thousands of ‘pebble-dash homes’ represents one of the most visionary, ambitious and successfully enduring legacies of the Irish state, it literally imagined and, critically, delivered, new living possibilities. The challenge today is perhaps not so different. A Dublin housing crisis is gathering pace; there is an urgent shortage of desirable homes. The answer, is not simply to build more suburban homes further out, to imagine something different, a greener, safer, cleaner, more family friendly, liveable inner city ” p11-12 Beyond Pebbledash (Paul Kearns and Motti Ruimy) Gandon Editions 2014

Beyond Pebbledash was initiated by Paul Kearns and Motti Ruimy (authors of REDRAWING DUBLIN). The engagement programme will draw on expertise in Dublin City Council (Public Arts Office and Heritage Office, Dublin City Council). The exhibition and educational programme will be run in partnership with the National Museum of Ireland from August to December 2014.

For more information, click here.

You can find ‘Beyond Pebbledash’ on Twitter and Facebook.